// we are

We Have Won the Security Challenge Initiated by the French Research Agency!

As both a student and a trainee, I have been researching on system security for about a year and a half with the LIFO research group.

My work for the LIFO has first been to develop a Mandatory Access Control system designed to control high-level interactions initiated by the system user.

I’ve written a paper on research project called “A Dynamic End-to-End Security for Coordinating Multiple Protections within a Linux Desktop” that has been published at the CTS2010 conference. I also went and presented this paper in Chicago (see My research project presented at CTS 2010).

This work has been integrated in the product we’ve presented at the SecSI(fr) security challenge launched by the French Research Agency.

Our solution, called SPAClik(fr), have just won the security challenge(fr).

I also happen to work on SELinux (“Automated SELinux policy learning” and “Memory access tracking with SELinux”), but I’ll tell you more about this in a later post.

That’s all folks!
